Managing Remote Users#

When using OIDC or SAML as your authentication protocol you can configure HPE Machine Learning Development Environment to remote provision and manage your users.

Remote user provisioning lets you include and synchronize any information about the user stored in your IdP such as their username, display name, and groups. Once configured, you can manage remote users without having to manually modify the users or update them via SCIM. Each time the remote user accesses HPE Machine Learning Development Environment, their information is synchronized.


This feature applies only to Determined Enterprise Edition.

Enable Remote User Management#

Set the Auto Provision Option#

The first step is to configure the master configuration file to enable user auto-provisioning and the remote management of any information attached to the users.


If scim_enabled is true, then oidc.auto_provision_users must be false.

For example:

    enabled: true
    provider: "Okta"
    idp_recipient_url: ""
    idp_sso_url: ""
    client_id: "xx0xx0"
    client_secret: "xx0xx0"
    auto_provision_users: true
    display_name_attribute_name: "XYZ"

HPE Machine Learning Development Environment sets the username of the user to the IdP email address. You cannot set the username independently.

Set the Groups Claim Name Option#

HPE Machine Learning Development Environment receives OIDC and SAML claims via a JSON Web Token (JWT) that you send from your IdP. If there is a group that does not already exist in HPE Machine Learning Development Environment, then the system creates the group.

To enable group membership synchronization:

  • Set the groups_attribute_name option to match the claim name for group memberships from your authenticator (i.e., either a custom user attribute such as groups_memberships or usergroup_memberships, or the authenticator’s groups claim, passed in as groups, etc.).

For example, in the following claim, let’s say the user-group information is passed through group_memberships in your IdP.

  group_memberships: ['A', 'B'],
  displayName: "Dee Ray"

Then, HPE Machine Learning Development Environment creates the following user:

 groups: ['A', 'B'],
 displayName: "Dee Ray"

Each time the authenticated user accesses HPE Machine Learning Development Environment, their information is passed to HPE Machine Learning Development Environment, and group memberships are updated. For example, when a user is assigned to a new group via your IdP, that information is updated in HPE Machine Learning Development Environment.

Complete the Auto Provision Process#

Once auto provisioning is configured, the user simply signs in with their username.

For example, to sign in to HPE Machine Learning Development Environment via Okta, the user performs the following steps:

  • Visit the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment URL, e.g.,

  • Under Sign in with Okta, enter the SSO-enabled email address.

If the sign in is successful, HPE Machine Learning Development Environment provisions the user, adds the user to the user table, and authenticates the user to HPE Machine Learning Development Environment.

Manage Remote Users and Groups via the WebUI#

To manage users and groups in the WebUI:

  • Sign in to the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment cluster via the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment URL, e.g.,, as a cluster admin.

  • View Admin Settings by selecting your profile in the upper left corner and then choosing Admin.

Actions you can take include adding new users, switching existing users to remote users, performing bulk actions, and more. For example, using the filters, you can select to view only active users. You can also manage user groups.

To find out how to manage remote users via the WebUI, including adding a new remote user, visit managing RBAC via the WebUI.