Configuring the Cluster#

This guide contains basic cluster configuration information and links to reference information.

Basic Configuration#

The master and agent can each be configured with a configuration file, environment variables, or command-line options.

The master and agent both accept an optional --config-file command-line option, which specifies the path of the configuration file to use. Note that when running the master or agent inside a container, you will need to make the configuration file accessible inside the container (e.g., via a bind mount). For example, this command starts the agent using a configuration file:

docker run \
  -v `pwd`/agent-config.yaml:/etc/determined/agent-config.yaml \
  --config-file /etc/determined/agent-config.yaml

The agent.yaml file might contain

master_port: 8080

to configure the address of the HPE Machine Learning Development Environment master that the agent will attempt to connect to.

Each option in the master or agent configuration file can also be specified as an environment variable or a command-line option. To configure the behavior of the master or agent using environment variables, specify an environment variable starting with DET_ followed by the name of the configuration variable. Underscores (_) should be used to indicate nested options: for example, the logging.type master configuration option can be specified via an environment variable named DET_LOGGING_TYPE.

The equivalent of the agent configuration file shown above can be specified by setting two environment variables, DET_MASTER_HOST and DET_MASTER_PORT. When starting the agent as a container, environment variables can be specified as part of docker run:

docker run \
  -e DET_MASTER_PORT=8080 \

The equivalent behavior can be achieved using command-line options:

determined-agent run --master-host= --master-port=8080

The same behavior applies to master configuration settings as well. For example, configuring the host where the Postgres database is running can be done via a configuration file containing:

  host: the-db-host

Equivalent behavior can be achieved by setting the DET_DB_HOST=the-db-host environment variable or --db-host the-db-host command-line option.

See also: Job Configuration Reference.