PostgreSQL Database Tuning#

When setting up PostgreSQL for your deployment, it’s crucial to configure several key parameters to ensure optimal performance. Below are the most important settings to consider:

  1. max_connections: Ensure max_connections is set to at least 96.

  2. shared_buffers: Set shared_buffers to approximately 25% of total system memory, adjust based on system workloads.

  3. max_wal_size and min_wal_size: Adjust max_wal_size and min_wal_size according to your usage patterns for improved performance.

For more details, visit the relevant section below.


max_connections is the most important and universal parameter to adjust. We recommend confirming that max_connections is set to at least 96. This setting ensures that your database can handle the number of concurrent connections required for Determined.


The shared_buffers setting determines how much memory PostgreSQL uses for caching data. It is generally recommended to set this to around 25% of your system’s total memory. However, you should adjust this based on other workloads running on the same system.

max_wal_size and min_wal_size#

The Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) settings, max_wal_size and min_wal_size, are more dependent on your specific usage patterns. Increasing these values can help improve performance for larger deployments. For detailed information on configuring these settings, please refer to the WAL Configuration page or the PostgreSQL Runtime Configuration page.

Properly configuring these settings will help you achieve optimal performance and reliability with your PostgreSQL deployment.